Religious Education

Our Religious Education Program offers a faith-based education in the Catholic religion.  We believe the total religious education of a young person is a partnership between the family and the church.  Our program relies on volunteers to share their time and faith stories with our young people, as well as a Diocesan approved curriculum and textbooks.

Classes are available from Kindergarten through Confirmation level.  Arrangements can be made for special circumstances.

You may reach our Director of Religious Education, Mrs. Celeste Baillargeon by email at or by calling the office at 762-0946.

Pray for our young people as they prepare to receive the Sacraments of First Reconciliation, First Communion and Confirmation.






Please note - During inclement weather:

If there is "no school" in North Smithfield, there will be "no Religious Education" at St. John's. Listen for radio announcements or watch local TV.  Below are the stations that will broadcast cancellations.